RBC Host Family


Many professional teams arrive several days in advance of the event. Families that Host House for the Redlands Bicycle Classic provide accommodations for either or men or women team riders. By signing up you commit to a roof over their head along with a clean place to sleep, clean towels and shower. They also need a safekeeping location for their bicycles.


Hosts are not expected to feed or clean up after the riders.
Remember: Your House – Your Rules.


*INTERESTED in providing Housing for 2 or more Riders ?

We Need:

Your Name
Home Address
Home & Cell Contact numbers
Email Address

How many riders you can comfortably provide for?

Men or Women Riders

What type of animals are in or outside of your house?


Acceptable sleeping arrangements: Each Rider requires a Bed or Air Mattress to include clean bedding (Sleeping Bag is acceptable). Several teams will be bringing their own air mattresses and are used to sharing a room.


It’s volunteers like you that have made this race possible since 1985.

Please join us in being a part of the 38th Race: April 7th – April 14th by supporting your local community. There are several other areas to volunteer. Check out our volunteer page: redlandsclassic.com/volunteers

Please contact one of our Host Housing Coordinators for more information at:

Lead Coordinator – Robyn4RBC@gmail.com

Men’s Teams Coordinator – Shannon4RBC@gmail.com

Women’s Teams Coordinator – Stacey4RBC@gmail.com


*Our emails are checked once a day after our regular work hours


RBC Host Family


Submit Your Name

Our online submission form is currently closed and will re-open no sooner than Fall 2024. You can e-mail the contacts above with questions.